Silly Seals

Walter Lantz Productions; Mel Blanc, Bernice Hansen, Danny Webb

released: 1938 Jul 25   duration: 0:07:14

Animation. In a North Pole classroom, Professor Seal is teaching the young seals all about fishing. One little seal would rather practice snowball juggling and plays hooky, and gets into trouble with the teacher. But back in the classroom a hungry polar bear is waiting to make food out of the seals. The juggling seal does his act and the bear is so impressed that he decides to stay in school and learn to juggle.

At 00:46, the little seal starts to shower 3 snowballs, which then progresses into many simultaneous showers of an enormous number of black and white snowballs using his hands, feet, nose, and more.

At 01:07, the seal showers 6 snowballs around his back, then tossing them all up high and catching them in a stack balanced on his nose, except there are now 9 of them. It then gets even sillier.

At 02:17, the seal juggles 3 snowballs while walking on a large rolling snowball.

At 03:27, The little seal balances a spinning cone on his nose, and a few seconds later he briefly juggles 3 cones.

At 05:52, when the little seal is about to be eaten by a bear, he juggles 5 snowballs to entertain the bear. The bear is fascinated, and takes the 5 balls and juggles them himself, allowing the seal to escape.

At 06:42, the seal is teaching four other seals how to juggle.

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